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Vote YES for Kids!

Vote YES for Kids logo
Vote YES for Kids! is a campaign to significantly reduce homelessness for children and their families in Kalamazoo County.  1586 school-age children experienced homelessness during the 2013-14 school year, from every one of the nine school districts in in Kalamazoo County.  The Kalamazoo County Public Housing Commission, chaired by David Anderson, has asked the County Commissioners to put a very small millage on the ballot in November, to provide rapid re-housing and support services for these families through our local housing non-profits.  At least 100 families, referred by their children’s schools, will be helped each year.  The cost to a homeowner with a house valued at $100,000?  Just $5 a year.  Endorsing organizations so far:  Community Advocates, First Congregational UCC, League of Women Voters of the Kalamazoo Area, ISAAC, Michigan United, Open Doors Kalamazoo, Social Justice Coordinating Committee of People’s Church, YWCA of Kalamazoo.  Your call or email to your County Commissioner would encourage them to vote yes on July 21, to put this on the ballot!