ISAAC led – Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT)
Racial Healing Circles
6:15pm Circle
Racial Healing and Relationship Building:
Focuses on ways for all of us to heal from the wounds of the past, to build mutually respectful relationships across racial and ethnic lines that honor and value each person’s humanity, and works to build trusting intergenerational and diverse community relationships that better reflect our common humanity. TRHT believes that racism affects all people from all backgrounds. Racial healing is a process that can benefit all people because, regardless of background, we are all living in and affected by the same racialized world. It is our belief that because of this, all of us can benefit from participating in racial healing work and the deep, meaningful relationships that can emerge. And, we believe that is all of our responsibilities to make it happen. It is not one person’s, one group’s or one organization’s responsibility. The responsibility belongs to all of us (TRHT website)
What to expect: Sharing and deep listening in a safe, loving, confidential space where we learn to see ourselves in one another; as well as learn more about our own experiences and others’ experiences around race.
*Please wait for a confirmation email in December to confirm your spot.
After we have reached capacity, some individuals will be placed on the waiting list for 2020 Healing Circles. Below, questions of identity are being asked to assist us in organizing diverse Healing Circles.