Voting Education 101 Event
Tue. Sept. 10, 5:30pm – Douglass Community Association This event is open to the public and everyone is invited! Get information, register to vote, practice using the voting machines, and more! Please encourage first-time voters and those that don’t usually vote to attend! This is a NONPARTISAN event.
Votaciones Anticipadas – 27 de Julio al 4 de agosto
Votaciones Anticipadas – 27 de Julio al 4 de agosto! El Centro de Exposiciones de Kalamazoo es uno de los cuatro sitios para votar anticipadamente.
Vote August 6!
Your Vote Matters! Vote on Tuesday, August 6 or Vote Early! Please click the links below to hear from ISAAC Leadership Board & Family Team Members and Partners on the importance of voting. Elder King Rabbi Schicker Irving Quintero Kathy Hillman Ashante’ Collins
Early Voting Info – August 6, 2024 Election
Early Voting! Michigan voters can vote early and in person for the August 6th primary! Proposal 2, passed in 2022, guarantees 9 days of early, in-person voting for all state or federal elections. Any Kalamazoo County registered voter (except residents of Pavilion Township) may vote early from Saturday,
What’s happening for ISAAC Healing Whiteness in 2024?
Practicing connection, conflict and coordination: A series of three in-person workshops and monthly virtual practice sessions to support white people in embodied anti-racism practice. Each workshop will be focused on the themes of connection,conflict and coordination. In our time together will explore why connection, conflict and coordination are vital in our organizing work, how white supremacy
Anti-Racism and Equity Responses from Kalamazoo County Candidates
Voting Education 101 Event
Tue. Sept. 10, 5:30pm – Douglass Community Association This event is open to the public and everyone is invited! Get information, register to vote,
Votaciones Anticipadas – 27 de Julio al 4 de agosto
Votaciones Anticipadas – 27 de Julio al 4 de agosto! El Centro de Exposiciones de Kalamazoo es uno de los cuatro sitios para votar anticipadamente.
Vote August 6!
Your Vote Matters! Vote on Tuesday, August 6 or Vote Early! Please click the links below to hear from ISAAC Leadership Board & Family Team
Early Voting Info – August 6, 2024 Election
Early Voting! Michigan voters can vote early and in person for the August 6th primary! Proposal 2, passed in 2022, guarantees 9 days of
What’s happening for ISAAC Healing Whiteness in 2024?
Practicing connection, conflict and coordination: A series of three in-person workshops and monthly virtual practice sessions to support white people in embodied anti-racism practice. Each workshop will
“Pound for pound, no non-profit has had a more positive impact on Kalamazoo than ISAAC.”
Dr. Michael Rice, Kalamazoo Schools Superintendent