• Racial Healing & Action Service From Sep 2, 2015

  • Listening Engagement Listening to neighborhood concerns

  • Affordable Housing Places to call home cost less than shelters

  • Youth Violence Prevention Working with our youth to teach them life lessons about violence

  • Early Childhood Education Quality preschool for many more children

  • Transportation Many jobs are at night and on Sundays

  • Public Meeting New partnerships within the community

  • Public Meeting Closing Prayer Coming together

  • Annual Banquet Inspiration

ISAAC Family - Annual Meeting & 2023 Report


Join us as we hear about and celebrate the Beloved Community work of ISAAC!!!
Please invite other ISAAC Family Members from your Congregation/Organization!!!


  • Tuesday, July 9th, On Zoom from 6:30pm-8:30pm

    ISAAC Virtual Fireside Chat
    w/ Layla Saad

    If you are interested in viewing Layla Saad's Virtual Fireside Chat with Elder King, participating
    in a "me & white supremacy" book group or getting more involved with anti-racism work,
    please email us: isaackalamazoo@gmail.com

  • Request a Book and Guided Journal "Google Form Request Link"

    For more information on this Speaker please visit www.pandelectures.com


    Endowment Fund Progress

    our goal of $50,000 
    total raised $204,000! 

    Our Mission

    ISAAC is an interfaith organizing network of congregations and strategic partners working together to build a more just community.

    Donate Now

    We are ISAAC!

    We are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Unitarians and Non-Religious. We are Black, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Indigenous, Middle Eastern and White. We are Immigrants. We are suburban, inner-city and rural. We are haves, have-nots, and have-a- little-want-mores. We are bold, tenacious, and we don’t back down. We are Kalamazoo County!

    Please Donate Today

    Be a part of our work to “do justice” (Micah 6:8). Your gift helps us build the Beloved Community by increasing support for policies and practices that create equity in Kalamazoo County and across Michigan.

    Donate Now

    Latest News

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    Voting Education 101 Event

    September 4, 2024

    Tue. Sept. 10, 5:30pm – Douglass Community Association This event is open to the public and everyone is invited!   Get information, register to vote, practice using the voting machines, and more! Please encourage first-time voters and those that don’t usually vote to attend! This is a NONPARTISAN event.

    Vote August 6!

    August 2, 2024

    Your Vote Matters! Vote on Tuesday, August 6 or Vote Early! Please click the links below to hear from ISAAC Leadership Board & Family Team Members and Partners on the importance of voting.     Elder King   Rabbi Schicker   Irving Quintero   Kathy Hillman   Ashante’ Collins   Kaleb Beiter   Michael Monroe [...]

    Early Voting Info – August 6, 2024 Election

    July 23, 2024

      Early Voting! Michigan voters can vote early and in person for the August 6th primary! Proposal 2, passed in 2022, guarantees 9 days of early, in-person voting for all state or federal elections.   Any Kalamazoo County registered voter (except residents of Pavilion Township) may vote early from Saturday, July 27th until Sunday, August 4th [...]

    What’s happening for ISAAC Healing Whiteness in 2024?

    May 30, 2024

      Practicing connection, conflict and coordination: A series of three in-person workshops and monthly virtual practice sessions to support white people in embodied anti-racism practice. Each workshop will be focused on the themes of connection,conflict and coordination. In our time together will explore why connection, conflict and coordination are vital in our organizing work, how white supremacy culture disrupts our ability to [...]

    Your Vote Matters! !Tu Vota Importa!

    April 6, 2023

    In 2022 ISAAC, EL CONCILLIO, METROPOLITAN NAACP, LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, DOUGLASS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, PARENTS UNITED, HOPE THRU NAVIGATION, BLOCKS CLUB, TRHT KALAMAZOO, GVI and Partners came together to work collectively on Vote August 2 and Vote November 8!  This committee worked hard to bring awareness, and deepen engagement in non-partisan elections work.  ISAAC and [...]

    Endowment Fund Growth!

    April 6, 2023

    This is amazing! ISAAC donors gave over $14,000 to our Endowment Fund in 2022! A huge thank you to the Endowment Fund donors who put so much trust in our work together to build the Beloved Community. Your commitment and generosity have increased our fund value to more than $176,000 even after the stock market’s [...]

    THANK YOU to our Grantors!

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