Awesome Virtual Public Meeting!
The turnout was amazing! ISAAC held our first virtual Public Meeting on October 22, to call for “policies and practices infused with love, hope, equity and abundance”–the words Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. used to describe the Beloved Community. Nearly 500 people tuned in during the meeting, and over 3500 have viewed it since on YouTube! Dozens of public officials and candidates for office said “yes” to ISAAC requests regarding Housing, Anti-Racism and Gun Violence Prevention. (All officials and candidates were given the “asks” ahead of time and invited to speak if they could answer “yes”.)
Housing: Many candidates at all levels pledged to promote “Homes for All”, the Kalamazoo County Housing Proposal at the end of the November 3 ballot, which will expand resources countywide to address and prevent homelessness among families with children, older adults, veterans, and essential workers who can’t afford market rate housing. Public officials from jurisdictions surrounding the City of Kalamazoo also pledged to work on adopting a Housing Equity Ordinance in their own municipalities, similar to the one passed unanimously by the Kalamazoo City Commission to end housing discrimination.
Anti-Racism: The Anti-Racism Task Force got many yes responses from law enforcement, officials, public officials, and the Prosecutor’s and Kalamazoo Defender’s Offices on participating in enabling deeper communication and a shared understanding of systemic racism, promoting greater trust, improving collaboration, and developing antiracist policies, practices, and relationships.
Gun Violence Prevention: The Gun Violence Prevention Task Force got many yes responses from law enforcement leaders, officials, candidates, and the Prosecutor on participating in strengthening mutual trust, building our capacity to communicate openly and effectively, and allowing the community to work more collaboratively with law enforcement and others for the safety, health and welfare of everyone.
We are thankful for our County, City and Township elected officials, candidates. officials and Law Enforcement who are building this partnership with us and committing to take actions to work toward building the Beloved Community. Our work continues!
– Elder Doug King, President, and Dr. Charlae Davis, Executive Director