Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

What’s happening for ISAAC Healing Whiteness in 2024?


Practicing connection, conflict and coordination: A series of three in-person workshops and monthly virtual practice sessions to support white people in embodied anti-racism practice.

Each workshop will be focused on the themes of connection,conflict and coordination. In our time together will explore why connection, conflict and coordination are vital in our organizing work, how white supremacy culture disrupts our ability to connect, enter into conflict and have impactful coordination, and how we will practice new skills and ways of being for the sake of building beloved powerful community that can dismantle these systems of oppression and cultivate collection liberation!


Why practice connection, conflict & coordination? We hold that we have a lot of practice embodying white supremacy culture. So we ask the question: what else can we be practicing? These three themes: connection, conflict and coordination will support skill building for white-bodied people to practice more of the antidotes to white supremacy culture in order to unlearn a culture of dominance. These practices will build awareness of how the “shape of whiteness” shows up in us, and invite more choice to move away from that shape and embody something different.

Who is this for? Healing Whiteness is a white-affinity space convened for members of ISAAC to deepen their  embodied anti-racism practice while working in a multiracial space as racialized white  people. This practice space is for people who understand systemic racism is real and are  committed to dismantling white supremacy culture in their own bodies and in the  larger community. People who are at all levels of embodiment practice are welcome to attend.

✋What do we mean by embodied? We hold that our lived experience and histories live in our bodies and shape our words, actions, beliefs and how we are relationally across similarity and difference. We are shaped by the world around us. This practice space supports white people to consciously see and feel the ways white supremacy culture has shaped us and purposefully practice something different. Embodied practice brings our bodies, words and actions into more alignment with our values and commitments to ending racism. We practice to build more trustworthy, authentic and accountable relationships and accomplice-ship with people of color.


⭐⭐⭐ Interested? Register here! (deadline to register for the first workshop is Friday, June 7th) ⭐⭐⭐

For more information on this, future workshops and facilitators bios click this link.


To hear the 2024 Healing Whiteness Overview from Rev. Lucy and Tess click the link below.