Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Add your voice! Learn more about Local Housing Equity and Support the Housing Equity Ordinance!

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What can you do while we are practicing social distancing?

  1. Time has been extended for you to give feedback for the Fair Housing, Chapter 18 Housing Equity Ordinance — With input sessions being cancelled, due to the pandemic, we recorded the presentation to keep engagement going during this time. Please watch this YouTube video of Vice Mayor Patrese Griffin, Ms. Sholanna Lewis and Dr. Charlae Davis presenting on local housing equity. We are asking everyone who believes people should have a fair chance to get housing to please watch and give input.  Please watch this video, review the ordinance and send all of your input Via email to: OR via mail to City Hall 241 W. South Street Kalamazoo, MI 49007
  2.  We are the ones who can give the Kalamazoo City Commissioners the community support they need in order to pass the Housing Equity ordinance! Would you help by adding your voice to this pre-written letter? Please click the link below to add your voice to this community letter that will be sent to all members of the City Commission. The letter is written already, you can fill in your information in 5 or so minutes or write more if you’d like. Either is great. Please share this link with your congregation, organizations, allies and community partners.

Thank you for continuing this work of equity with us in a new way!!

– ISAAC & TRHT housing leaders Dr. Charlae Davis, Sholanna Lewis, Stephanie Hoffman, Tobi Hanna-Davies and Andrew Chaponda