A homemade red velvet cake! A five-pound box of organic blueberries! Olive Garden gift cards! Confections with Convictions gift cards! PFC Natural Grocery & Deli Gift Cards! A custom flower arrangement! Handmade jewelry! Hand knit items! Voice Lessons! Fishing trip gift certificates! A meditation retreat gift certificate! An autographed copy of “Gus” written by Al Dixon, 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award winner!
That’s just a sample of the awesome Silent Auction items you’ll be able to bid on at the Banquet on May 18. Whose birthdays, graduations, and anniversaries are coming up that you’d like to celebrate with special treats that also help build the Beloved Community?
>> Bidding will start as soon as the doors open at 5:30 pm, Saturday, May 18 in the WMU Bernhard Center Ballrooms on the second floor. Bring your checkbook or cash if you’d like to bid on special treats that are “double gifts”—for your loved ones and for our Beloved Community work.