Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Banquet May 18 – Awards! Performers! Your Ad?

Here’s our beautiful new poster for the ISAAC 2019 Banquet on May 18, “Hold Fast to Love and Justice” (Hosea 12:6)!  We are very pleased to announce this year’s Performers and our 2019 Awardees!

Click to download printable flyer.

We were delighted last month to announce our keynote speaker Mee Moua—former Minnesota State Senator, Civil Rights leader, attorney, TRHT Racial Healing practitioner, and law & policy expert for the WK Kellogg Foundation.  Now we are very pleased to also announce that El Concilio’s Baile Folklorico (Youth performing Mexican Traditional Folkloric Dances) and the duo of Nick The Drummer and Jesselyn (Live Music and Poetry) will perform at the Banquet.  They are all part of the ISAAC family, and have wonderful talents to share with us.

Our 2019 Awardees have each made very important gifts to ISAAC’s work.  Their gifts will be described in the banquet booklet you receive on May 18:

  • Al Dixon
  • Betty Upjohn Mason
  • Regena Nelson
  • Innovation Grant Work Group
  • Open Doors Kalamazoo
  • Luke’s Episcopal Church

Who do you know who’d want to support ISAAC by putting an ad in the Banquet booklet?  What businesses and organizations do you know that care about equity and community?  Please ask them to contact ISAAC about the sizes and prices of ad space available: or 269-341-4213.  And please make sure that the ISAAC Banquet is on your calendar–Saturday, May 18, 6:00 pm at the WMU Bernhard Center!

– Banquet Committee: Amy Peterson (designer of the beautiful poster), Dr. Charlae Davis, Wendy Flora, Tobi Hanna-Davies, Rick Johnson, and Kerria Randolph