Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Beloved Community Walk/Run: Moving Towards Justice


Form your Beloved Community TEAM Today!  Walk or Run with us Towards Justice!

To bring the Kalamazoo County Community together, ISAAC usually has an Annual Banquet. In 2018 we will host a Walk/Run instead–Building the Beloved Community: Moving Towards Justice. The Beloved Community is an inclusive, democratic reality, which while not devoid of conflict, is free of violence. It is a place in which our deepest values of abundance, equity, community, hope, and most of all love are infused into our policies and practices so that every person is held as beloved.

This event will include a Walk/Run of 3.1 miles and also 1 mile for our youth, elders (in age) or anyone who desires a shorter distance. This walk/run is open and inclusive for community  members using wheelchairs, walkers and strollers. After the walk/run there will be a community fellowship with food, music, singing, drumming and performances from social justice, cultural and faith communities. There will also be vendors to promote connections and awareness to businesses, agencies, social justice organizations, health institutions, and faith communities. This is an event for all ages and all people.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Spring Valley Park

  • Registration – 7:30am
  • Community Warm up – 9am
  • Walk/Run – (1 mile and 3.2 miles) 9:30am
  • Award Celebration — 11am
  • Community Fellowship, Performances & Vendors – During & after walk/run until 1pm
  • Early registration (By May 31st)
    • $280 for a team of 8 ($35 per entry)
    • $40 per individual entry
  • Late registration (after May 31st) – $10 more
    • $360 for a team of 8 ($45 per entry)
    • $50 per individual entry

One Entry includes: T-shirt, snacks, hydration stations, community resource booklet, community gathering, awards celebration, community vendor booths/information tables and cultural performances.

Childcare will be available.

Ages: 6 to 12 to participate in walk/fun – Cost $10

Form your Beloved Community TEAM Today!  Walk or Run with us Towards Justice!

– Dr. Charlae Davis, Executive Director