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“Above and Beyond Award” to Amy Peterson!

Our first ever “Above & Beyond Award” was presented at the Family & Friends Breakfast to Amy Peterson:

For designing every year’s ISAAC banquet book since 2006,

And usually the poster and flyers as well,

For taking photos at every ISAAC event since 2005

And making wonderful slide shows of them for the banquets,

For organizing all of us on the Leadership Board

To know what to say to potential banquet sponsors,

For designing every flyer for ISAAC Listening Campaigns, Issues Conventions, Public Meetings and other events

All year round since 2005,

For volunteering all that time and talent every year

And being a GEM and major donor as well,

For doing it all with impressive computer skills, artistic sensibility, generosity of spirit and very high standards,

And for going even further Above & Beyond in 2017,

Doing the last three weeks of the work on the Banquet Book on your laptop in your husband George’s hospital room while caring for him,

And producing as beautiful a book as ever!

Thank you, Amy, for your amazing dedication to ISAAC

And to the work we’re all doing together to create an equitable community in

Kalamazoo County.