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We are Connected! New Members of our ISAAC Family

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest ISAAC Family Members: Kalamazoo Friends Meeting and First Presbyterian Church.

Kalamazoo Friends Meeting Quaker Congregation is led by Co-Clerks Mark Donovan and Carol Meyer-Niezwiecki. Their Leadership Board Representatives are Cordelia Greer and George Hebben.

Kalamazoo First Presbyterian Church is under the Leadership of The Rev. Dr. Seth Weeldreyer. Their Leadership Board Representatives are Dr. Pat Stromsta and Elder Ray Wicks.

Over the years, both congregations have partnered with ISAAC through Task Force work or Resident Engagement events and are truly committed to social justice! We are so happy to have them as part of our ISAAC family as we work together for peace, unity and justice in our community!

The year 2017 has brought fear and concern of the unknown, as well as divisiveness as a nation. We at ISAAC proclaim we will not shrink in fear nor shut our eyes to injustice; but we will continue to stand firmly bound together and to work tirelessly to ensure social justice for all in our community.

All ISAAC Clergy and Members are invited to join us on March 7, at 7pm during our Leadership Board Meeting for our New Members’ Ceremony and our Members’ Commitment Ceremony.

We will light a unity candle, blend the “sands” of our congregations, celebrate our new members and recommit ourselves to the work of justice, unity, faith and one another! We are in this together!

– Dr. Charlae Davis, Executive Director