Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Enchanting novel by ISAAC Leader Al Dixon!

Al Dixon, long-time ISAAC leader, has published a delightful book for young readers! Al has been St. Barnabas Episcopal Church’s representative to the ISAAC Leadership Board since the early days of ISAAC, has served on our Housing Task Force from 2003-2015, and is now co-chair of our Anti-Racism Task Force. That’s Al presenting the flag in the Public Meeting poster above!  Here’s the press release of the new book by this person of many talents:

Albert Dixon’s new book “Gus” is a fascinating story about the bond of a young boy named Bobby and a goose who prefers to be called Gus.

 Recent release “Gus” from author Albert Dixon is an enchanting book about Bobby’s encounters with Gus, a talking goose who tells the young boy about his family history, which makes him understand and accept his loved ones and their respective rough pasts that have shaped them.

Albert Dixon, a former member of the Marine Corps who has taken creative writing courses at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, has completed his new book “Gus”: a gripping story about a boy named Bobby who has left the dangers of Chicago—as decided by his mother—to go back home to their farmhouse and live in a better environment without the gang he is acquainted with.

Author Dixon narrates the boy and the goose’s first encounter: “He walked slowly along the bank, watching ducks and geese swimming. Some of the ducks would rise from the water and soar for a distance, then settle back into the water. This was the closest he had ever come to these animals. It fascinated him to be this close, but it still didn’t drive the thought of getting away from his mind. He saw a stump a little ways up the slope. A good place to sit and think and figure out his next move. Somehow he had to get away from this place. ‘Quite a sight, isn’t it, Bobby?’ Bobby leaped from the stump, frightened. He thought his grandfather had come looking for him. He looked for his grandfather to be near but didn’t see anyone.”

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Albert Dixon’s new book is a touching work on a single parent’s son, Bobby, and a goose called Gus who somehow becomes an unusual messenger who guides him as he grows up through wise words and retelling of the past. It also shows the dangers of being with gangs and discourages readers from inflicting violence to others.

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