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Family & Friends Breakfast – RSVP by Dec. 8

If you are reading this, you are part of the ISAAC Family!  We hope you can join the 50 people already signed up for the ISAAC Breakfast on Tuesday, December 12, 7:30-9:00 am in the Dining Room of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.  RSVP by Dec. 8 to or at 269-341-4213, so we have enough coffee and treats!

In case you’ve wondered, RSVP is short for “Répondez s’il vous plaît”, French for “Respond if you please”–a nice way to say please register.

We have exciting news to share at the Breakfast!  Please come if you can.

And if you have recently decided to “Be a GEM!” (Give Every Month) or to increase your GEM gift each month, there will be a houseplant waiting for you at the breakfast as a thank-you gift!  Other ISAAC donors are donating little jade plants, kalanchoe, umbrella sedge (papyrus), even a purple and white orchid, because they are so thankful for your generosity.

– Dr. Charlae Davis, Executive Director