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Future Leaders for Peace Invitation: Youth Violence Prevention Task Force News

The Future Leaders For Peace (FLFP) are asking youth from member congregations and organizations to join us in our own Listening Engagement for 2017.

We will connect with youth in our community to understand the most important issues for our next two years’ work.  FLFP will visit at least two congregations to ask their peers about their concerns and desires for the Kalamazoo area community.  The voices and needs of the community will then guide the justice work that FLFP engages in for the next two years. Training for this Listening Campaign will take place on Saturday, August 19, time to be determined, at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 247 West Lovell, Kalamazoo 49007.  (For the time, call the ISAAC office, 269-341-4213, closer to the date.)

Please join us and invite the youth from your organization.


– Venessa Collins-Smith & Wendy Flora, Youth Violence Prevention TF co-chairs