We’re excited to announce a BIG opportunity…
We will have the chance to Vote YES For Kids on November 3rd!
On July 21, the Kalamazoo County Commission voted to place a .1 millage on the ballot for a vote in November to provide funding support for housing families with children who have no place to call home. This is fantastic news!
Over 1500 school-age children experienced homelessness during the 2013-14 school year, from every school district in Kalamazoo County. Without a stable place to call home where a child can sleep, study, come home after school, and feel safe, their chances to succeed in life suffer greatly. We have to make sure that all of our children, the future of our community, have the chance to succeed.
The millage, if passed, will provide about $800,000 per year, and will focus on helping families with children. The cost to the owner of a home valued at $100,000? Just $5 a year.
[su_button url=”http://voteyesforkids.net/millage-proposal/” background=”#ff9c07″ target=”_blank”]Get more information about the proposal here[/su_button]
We all benefit when families have a safe place to call home. This proposal is the result of years of dedicated work by many volunteers and allies, and this crucial proposal will only succeed if we all come together. Submit your information on the form below to get involved!
Look for more information to come! And thank you for all that you do!
Endorsing organizations of the proposal so far include: ISAAC, Community Advocates, First Congregational UCC, League of Women Voters of the Kalamazoo Area, Michigan United, Open Doors Kalamazoo, Social Justice Coordinating Committee of People’s Church, YWCA of Kalamazoo, and 60th District Service Office.