Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

ISAAC Endowment Fund Has Begun

As of December 2017, we have an ISAAC Endowment Fund “under development”!  That means we’re well on our way to creating a fund that will generate income for ISAAC every year!  We have three and a half years to fully fund it (at $50,000) so it will begin to generate annual income. Thanks to five ISAAC leaders, it has already grown to $16,600, but we need to raise $11,400 in 2018, $11,000 in 2019 and $11,000 in 2020. We can do that!  100% of the ISAAC Executive Committee has committed to contribute in 2018. Can you help?

Come learn the many ways to help at the:

ISAAC Supporters Supper:

How to grow our new Endowment to provide annual income to ISAAC

Thursday April 26, 5:30 pm, at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Guild Room (2nd floor)

247 W. Lovell St, Kalamazoo 49008

Sabrina Pritchett-Evans from State Farm and Julie Loncharte from the Kalamazoo Community Foundation will be there to explain the many ways, such as stocks, bonds, life insurance, and IRA charitable distributions, to help grow our new ISAAC Endowment.

Catering will be provided by:

Pat Davis, owner of Davis Delectables & Designs.

Or you can simply make a tax-deductible gift that will help create sustainability, way into the future, for our work together.  Just make your check to: Kalamazoo Community Foundation and put in the Memo line: ISAAC Endowment Fund. Mail or deliver it to:

Kalamazoo Community Foundation
402 E. Michigan Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49007-3888