We need your circle of family, friends and colleagues to add their names to at least one of these letters! If you didn’t yet, please add your own name. Please also ask members of your congregation or organization to add their names. Choose any one or two or all three ways to show that you support the Housing Equity Ordinance that this community so badly needs.
- https://isaackalamazoo.org/add-your-voice-support-the-housing-equity-ordinance/
- https://isaackalamazoo.org/dear-landlords/ (Specially for white allies to sign)
- https://www.kalamazoocity.org/news/505-community-invited-to-share-feedback-on-chapter-18-proposal
Thank you! The Housing Equity Ordinance will be a big step toward ending homelessness for many families.
-ISAAC & TRHT Housing Task Force co-chairs Tobi Hanna-Davies & Stephanie Hoffman, Executive Director of Open Doors Kalamazoo