Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Issues Convention Closing Words

Sometimes when doing the work of justice, we may feel alone or like the problems we are working on are too big to impact change! During this time when we are experiencing and witnessing anger, barriers, fear, uncertainty, isolation, oppression, disparity, segregation, trauma, hatred, exhaustion, bigotry, mourning, silencing, loss of hope and violence, May We Look To The Hills Where Our Help Comes From! – Psalm 121:1

Please hold your neighbors’ hand and squeeze, gently, if you agree, as a reminder to one another that we do not do this work of justice alone:

May our anger be productive and never destructive.

May we have courage to speak when silence is oppressive.

May we listen deeply and be able to sit with our discomfort in reflection.

May we check the privilege, harm and bias in our own hearts, words and practices.

May we challenge others in love and allow ourselves to be challenged.

May we tell the truth and have those difficult conversations.

May we reach across aisles and beyond our own buildings to be in sincere relationship.

May we not judge, but first seek to understand.

May we remember we need one another!

May we ask others what they need of us and may we do it.

May we realize that the Beloved Community starts with us.

May we journey on together until all members of our community are held as Beloved.


If you were there, please fill out this short, less than 5-minute survey for our Issues Convention:

– Dr. Charlae Davis, Executive Director