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It’s time for PORCH PATROL 2015!

If you haven’t already signed up for Porch Patrol, it’s not too late! You’ll learn everything you need to know at the mini-training right before we go out to listen to residents’ joys and concerns.

Porch Patrol is fun, interesting and very important for building community! You and a partner go door-to-door to ask residents about their concerns and desires for their neighborhood. The voices and needs of the community will then guide the justice work ISAAC engages in over the next 2 years.

Join us. Sign up for one or both days!

Saturday, June 27th in the Vine Neighborhood
9am to 12:30pm

Gather at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
247 W. Lovell St. (entrance also on S. Park St.)
Kalamazoo 49008

Training – 9am to 9:45am
Porch Patrol – 10am to 12pm
Evaluation – 12:15pm

Sunday, June 28th in the Douglas Neighborhood
1pm to 4:30pm

Gather at Kalamazoo Friends (Quaker) Meeting
508 Denner St. (between Forbes St. and Jefferson Ave.)
Kalamazoo 49006

Training – 1pm to 1:45pm
Porch Patrol – 2pm to 4pm
Evaluation – 4:15pm

Join the excitement in 2015!

Contact Dr. Charlae Davis or your ISAAC leader to sign up.