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Learn more about the “Campaign to Unload”

Executive Director Dr. Charlae Davis

EC& WordelmanA special thank you to County Commissioner Kevin Wordelman for visiting and speaking with our Executive Committee about the “Campaign to Unload.”  If you have not already, please read more about this initiative and feel free to sign the petition. We are in this together!  Commissioner Wordelman, thank you for your awesome service and dedication to our community!

Responding to a string of tragic shootings in Kalamazoo County since January 1, 2016 that have left several Kalamazoo area residents dead or badly injured, residents and community leaders are drawing attention to the epidemic of gun violence in the United States and taking aim directly at the companies profiting from it.

Gun sales tend to increase after mass shooting events, increasing revenue for the gun industry, much of which is used to influence elections and lobby elected officials to prevent passage of common sense gun regulations at the state and national level.

We need to take action as individuals by selling off any investments we have in companies that profit from gun violence and calling on others, especially our elected officials, to do the same.

Kalamazoo city and county would not be the first local governments or pension funds to divest from the gun industry. New York City, Chicago, the state of Rhode Island, and the California State Teachers Retirement System, valued at nearly $150 billion, have already acted to sell off, and stop purchasing, investments in the gun industry.

For more information on divestment from gun manufacturers, see

Certainly individual behaviors and ideas about guns need to change, but we also need to change the incentives so that gun makers cannot profit from gun violence.

For additional information:
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