Three new generous donors last month! Hallelujah! This means we only have $5770 to go, to reach our ISAAC Endowment Fund goal of $50,000 by December 31—a whole year early! Then the ISAAC Endowment Fund will become a fully established fund at the Kalamazoo Community Foundation, and ISAAC will be able to receive interest income from it.
If you can, please help us reach the ISAAC Endowment Fund goal with a gift of any size. Or you can give a tax-free “charitable distribution” if you have an IRA (individual retirement account) and are at least 70 ½!
Please make your check to Kalamazoo Community Foundation and put “ISAAC Endowment Fund” in the memo space. Send it to the ISAAC office, or give it to Dr. Charlae Davis, or mail it directly to:
Kalamazoo Community Foundation
402 E. Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Thank you for all the many ways you support our work together to cultivate the Beloved Community.
– Tobi Hanna-Davies, VP for Communications