Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Prayer for Our Community & Nation

God of Life, Creator of the universe, Sustainer of all, we come before you bearing deep sorrows. We despair at the killing happening in our homes and in our streets, in our schools and in our workplaces, in our shopping centers and in our parking lots, and in our houses of worship. We come repenting our own participation in the culture of violence in our community and our nation. We have come here in hope borne of your Spirit; for you have been with us to help us face and overcome injustice. We pray for your strength to face this present time. We pray for clear minds and clean hearts to strive together to end gun violence. We ask for your strength to address the violence that shapes so much of our decision-making. Transform our hearts by your mercy and our lives by your grace, that we may place our complete trust in You rather than our weapons. Disarm our hearts with your gracious love.  Amen

To help work for common sense gun laws, please contact these ISAAC member organizations:


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