Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! – Psalm 133:1
Wow! After watching the news and all the things going on in the world, it seems that there’s a real fight against unity. Now, we don’t have to be the same to walk in unity because unity isn’t sameness but focuses on a common goal and/or singleness of purpose. Therefore, I don’t need to be the same as you or just like you for us to be able to effectively work together. Actually, that’s what makes this work of Social Justice so exciting. It’s when people from every walk of life are able to come together and fight for a common cause. Let us celebrate the differences that we all bring to the table but focus on the single goal of coming together as a people. I certainly don’t have all the answers to allow this to happen, but that’s the beauty of all of us coming together. When each of us can offer our own ideas and we sit around the table of brotherhood/sisterhood and find the answers that will not only make Kalamazoo a better place but the world as well.
Let’s keep fighting for the spirit of unity!
Servant Leader,
Elder Douglas King