THANK YOU to everyone who helped make “Moving Toward Justice” such a success!
The first ever ISAAC Walk/Run/Roll “Moving Toward Justice” bought people of all ages together from many different parts of the community on Saturday, June 30, at Spring Valley Park. “We are becoming the Beloved Community, where every person is held as beloved, as envisioned by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” said Dr. Charlae Davis, ISAAC Executive Director. “We’re intentionally stepping outside our organizational walls to connect with fellow community members in movement, celebration, music, unity, information-sharing, food, dialogue and love!”
Even though it was the hottest day of the year, over 350 people turned out to celebrate our work towards “a time when our deepest values of abundance, equity, community, hope, and most of all love, will be infused into our policies and practices,” said Elder Doug KIng, pastor of Grace Covenant Ministries and President of ISAAC.
ISAAC presented awards to “Servant Leader of the Year” Mayor Bobby J. Hopewell, “Woman on the Move” Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety Chief Karianne Thomas, “Woman of Equity” Kalamazoo County Commission Chair Stephanie Moore, “ISAAC Clergy of the Year” Unity of Kalamazoo Pastor Rev. Joslyn Mason, “ISAAC Leader of the Year” Westwood United Methodist Church member Andrew Chaponda, and to NAACP leader Rev. Don DeYoung for “Lifetime Achievement” and the Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation’s Healing and Relationship Building Group for their “Beloved Community Work.”
Awards were given as well to the Kalamazoo Public Schools, PFC Natural Grocery & Deli, and People’s Church of Kalamazoo for the ways they are “embracing and serving our beloved community.”
See or call 269-341-4213 for more information about the first annual Run/Walk/Roll or about the ISAAC Anti-Racism, Anti-Poverty, and Affordable Housing Task Forces, or the interfaith list of 29 ISAAC member congregations and organizations.
THANK YOU for all the ways you support ISAAC in moving toward justice! And special thanks to the Run/Walk/Roll planning team: Deacon Karen McDonald, Denise Hartsough, Theresa Ouzts, Kerria Randolph, Pooja S. Patel, Sheila Takyi, Kaleb Beiter, and Dr. Charlae Davis.
THANK YOU to Dr. Charlae Davis’ “Uncle John” for most of these wonderful photos of our June 30 Run/walk/Roll “Moving Toward Justice” and to Tom Vance for all these great photos of our 2018 Awardees.
– Tobi Hanna-Davies, VP for Communications