Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

The steps of ISAAC are ordered by God: Banquet Speaker, Dr. J. Louis Felton

JL Felton Photo 2015I am always astounded when I see Romans 8:28 unfold in my life. The scripture states that: “…all things work together for good….”

After learning that our initial Banquet speaker had to cancel, we reached out to a Founding Clergy Member of ISAAC, Dr. J. Louis Felton. Everything fell into place. It became clear that Dr. Felton was God’s choice for our 15th Anniversary Keynote Speaker.

I have no doubts that this 2016 Banquet, Transforming Our Community: “Let Justice Roll Like A River” will be the best banquet ever!  Please plan on joining us June 30th for an awesome time of history, fellowship, celebration, justice and renewal.

Thank you Dr. Felton for answering the call!

I thank God for continuing to direct the steps of ISAAC!

Please join us for our 15th Anniversary Banquet, June 30, 2016, 6pm, at WMU Bernhard Center

CharlaeDavisExecutive Director
Dr. Charlae Davis