Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Transportation Report

transitRev. Linda MacDonald

While public transit is no longer at the center of ISAAC work, the necessity for robust public transportation never lets up. Whether your issue is job creation, addressing poverty, ending racism’s terrible hold on the hearts and minds of you and your neighbors, access to public transit will create significant long term good for everyone in the region. There are 2 ways you can continue strengthening public transit for the long term. ONE: Become a regular participant at Friends of Transit – First Thursdays, 10am-11:30, at Disability Network on Crosstown at Vine. TWO: Contact all the State Reps for our area to URGE that any road funding legislation contain language to support THE COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION FUND FORMULA. Why? This is how Public Transit receives funding in the state.

Contact Rep. Aric Nesbitt especially:

State Rep. Aric Nesbitt, 517-373-0839,
State Rep. David Maturen, 517-373-1787,
State Rep. Brandt Iden, 517-373-1774,
State Rep. Jon Hoadley, 517-373-1785,