Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

A Huge Thank You to our Endowment Donors!

our goal of $50,000 
total raised $57,175! 

We went past our goal! Way past! So many awesome donors contributed to the ISAAC Endowment at the end of the year that we exceeded our goal of $50,000 and raised $57,175! December donations alone totaled $12,545! Hallelujah! This means that we will now have a “fully established” endowment fund at the Kalamazoo Community Foundation, earning interest income for ISAAC way into the future.

Plus, since we chose “Socially Responsible Investment” at the Kalamazoo Community Foundation—where we were the very first endowment to choose that new option!—we know our interest income will only come from companies that “meet a series of stringent environmental and social criteria in areas including environmental management, labor rights, human rights, health and safety, and diversity.

A huge thank you to everyone listed here, who has contributed to the ISAAC Endowment since we started it just two years ago! Your gifts will sustain ISAAC for years to come as we work together to build the Beloved Community.

River Artz-Iffland
Jo Woods Brown
Dennis P. Burke and Janice E. Burke
Mary B. Carlson
Deacon Patricia Catellier
Andrew Chaponda
B. Suzanne Coleman
Charlae M. Davis
John F. and Carolyn Davis
Robert B. Davis and Barbara J. Davis
Vernon Davis and Auga Davis
Rev. Donald H. DeYoung
Rev. Gerald W. Duggins and Rev. Janet R. Duggins
Wendy Flora
Flo Friender
Tobi Hanna-Davies
Gerald Hardie and Lelane Hardie
Robert F. Harrelson and Kathleen M. Harrison
Pamela J. Hart and Dennis Hart
Denise L. Hartsough and Mark V. Wheeler
Emily V. Hazel
George L. Hebben and Helen Howard Hebben
James C. Hess and Jeanne Hess
Allan Hunt and Rochelle V. Habeck
Kalsec, Inc. (Employee Gift Match)
Elder Douglas King
Mary Ann Lewis
Debra Lindstrom
Elizabeth S. Upjohn Mason
Rev. Joslyn K. Mason
Deacon Karen McDonald
Michigan 60th District Service Office
Philip and Constance Micklin
Elena Mireles-Hill and Bryan Hill
Regena Nelson and Eric Nelson
Larry Oppliger and Kay D. Oppliger
Ludwig E. Ouzoonian and Marie A. Ouzoonian
Jeni Payton
People’s Church
The Rev. Mary Perrin
George I. Peterson and Amy B. Peterson
Arthur E. Roberts and Betty J. Lujan-Roberts
Deacon Joe Schmitt and M. Rebecca Schmitt
Paul Schonveld and Donna Schonveld
Richard A. Shilts and Carol Shilts
Emily Sipsma
St. Martin of Tours Episcopal Church
Patricia Stromsta and Scot Stromsta
Ray L. Sweany and Ann E. Sweany
Sheila Takyi and Nana Takyi
Frank Tiefenthal and Brenda Tiefenthal
Richard O. Welch
Paula J. Willson and Thomas R. Willson
The Rev. Michael J. Wood and Deacon Patricia G. Vinge

If you’d like to join this list of generous donors and make a gift that will sustain ISAAC for years to come, please make your check (or your tax-free IRA Charitable Distribution) to Kalamazoo Community Foundation, designate it for “ISAAC Endowment Fund” and mail it to:

Kalamazoo Community Foundation
402 E. Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Or if you like, you can mail or deliver your check to ISAAC, 247 W. Lovell St, Kalamazoo MI 49007, or give it in person to Dr. Charlae Davis, but please make it out to Kalamazoo Community Foundation with “ISAAC Endowment Fund” in the memo space!

Huge thanks to each of you for so generously supporting our work together to cultivate the Beloved Community!

– Tobi Hanna-Davies, VP for Communications