Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

A Justice/Unity Blessing Given by ISAAC Clergy & Leaders at the Women’s March Kalamazoo

A special thank you to Rev. Mason (Unity of Kalamazoo), Juliana (El Concilio), Rabbi Schicker (Temple B’nai Israel), Mariam (UUCC), Pastor Jess (Wesley Foundation) and Deacon Sandra (Westwood UMC) for leading a beautiful and powerful Unity Blessing at the Women’s March Kalamazoo 2020 on January 18.

Speaker 1 – Rev. Mason

Dear Creator, who we know by many names.
Life Giver, Pain-Bearer, Love Maker. Blessed are You.
Source of all that is and that shall be.  Father and Mother of all.
In this sacred gathering may the joyful find space to praise.

May the way of your justice be followed by people of the world!
With the bread that we need for today, feed us.
In the time of testing, strengthen us.
In the hurts that we absorb from one another, forgive us.
From trials too severe to endure, spare us.

Speaker 2 – Juliana

Reconocemos que hemos aceptado imágenes distorsionadas de mujeres durante tanto tiempo que a menudo no reconocemos la bondad divina de nosotros mismos y nuestras voces.

We repent for our numerous oppressions, gatekeeping, exclusion, hatred and lack of power sharing we have shown one another based on identity within this category of “woman.” We pray that your light may shine through us that we may be all you created us to be.

Pedimos más compasión, amor, misericordia, sanación y unidad en nuestra comunidad. Esperamos que podamos reflejar su gloriosa armonía en el mundo.

Speaker 3 – Rabbi Schicker

Heal our wounds and make us whole

We remember and honor all women martyrs. Let your eternal light shine forever on them.

We lift to you all those, especially women, who have died violent deaths. Give us a spirit of compassion especially for women who are violently abused, socially isolated and oppressed.

Let our community be an inclusive, safe space for all abused, violated and hurting women.

Speaker 4 – Pastor Jess

Have mercy on us and grant us peace 

Create a spirit of justice in our community and nation, in our law enforcement agencies, and legal systems; especially the courts of law for the oppressed and exploited, for the wounded and abused. Including those women emotionally paralyzed and desolate. Protect us from hurt, danger and harm.

Hear our cries and answer our pleas

Create in our systems a sense of compassion, understanding and equity. As well as empower and strengthen us to do what is right and to challenge wrongdoing; to change spaces, policies, and institutions toward equity.

Speaker 5 – Mariam

Hear our prayers and instill in us your wisdom

Create a new order in your world in which power is measured, not by brute force, but by gentleness and respect.

Intervene and heal

We commend to you all those, especially women, who suffer physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually from domestic abuse, violence, discrimination, and oppression and all who grieve from and with them.

Draw children into your loving protection and heal them

Provide for our children, advocates and guardian angels.

Speaker 6 – Deacon Sandra

Help us to see with your eyes, hear with your ears, feel with your heart, and heal with your hands. 

Kindle in us hope for establishing new ways of dealing with differences. Let us combat our own bias and to suffer no more in silence. Let us feel empowered to reach out in love to one another while stepping out of our comfort zones. Let us show mercy and connectedness as we oppose and refuse isolation, oppression and discrimination. Let this women’s march today be a new beginning for unity, leadership and collaboration.

I am wonderfully made! 

Closing – Deacon Sandra & Juliana

In Beauty I walk, In Beauty I walk, In Beauty I walk to the North.
En belleza camino, en belleza camino, en belleza camino hacia el norte.

In Beauty I walk, In Beauty I walk, In Beauty I walk to the South.
En belleza camino, en belleza camino, en belleza camino hacia el sur.

In Beauty I walk, In Beauty I walk, In Beauty I walk to the East.
En belleza camino, en belleza camino, en belleza camino hacia el este.

In Beauty I walk, In Beauty I walk, In Beauty I walk to the West.
En belleza camino, en belleza camino, en belleza camino hacia el oeste.

In Beauty I walk, In Beauty I walk, In Beauty I walk, In my Path now.
En belleza camino, en belleza camino, en belleza camino, en mi camino ahora.

Various Excerpts taken from “She who prays: A women’s interfaith prayer book.” Authors: Jane Richardson Jensen and Patricia Harris-Watkins.  Additional justice and equity wording added by Dr. Charlae Davis.