Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Anti-Racism Task Force

The National Day of Racial Healing celebration on January 21st highlighted a key principle of the Anti-Racism Task Force—that we must address racism as we seek to right the disparities and injustices of any sector of community life.  This insight drives the Task Force’s focus on racial healing.

The January 21st event celebrated the accomplishments of the local initiative for Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT), with which ISAAC task forces work closely.  Attendees learned of advances in the areas of law, narrative change, separation, economy and racial healing.  Child and youth performers and speakers shared their passion and ideas.  Attendees had an opportunity to listen to performances by local artists, to learn about healing through art, to discuss the narrative about youth in Kalamazoo County, and how we might support youth voices.

Task Force members at the event had a joyous experience that reinforced the importance of their racial healing work.

  • Denise Hartsough, Anti-Racism Task Force member

[Editor’s note:  Yes, that’s Mee Moua, Racial Healing Circle trainer and our 2019 Banquet speaker in the photos!  She said she knows when people were at our Banquet because they come up to her and say, “I love you and there’s nothing you can do about it!”]


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