Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Anti-Racism: Racial Healing Circles, Immigration Reform Work

Momentum from pledges made at the October 25TH Public Meeting continues as ISAAC recently hosted Racial Healing Circles for 42 people from 20-25 ISAAC member organizations.  Participants reported feeling listened to, listening deeply, and hearing about experiences different from their own.  More Healing Circles for people from ISAAC member organizations may be held in March.  [You can click on photos to enlarge them.]

To confirm the commitment to immigration reform made by their representatives at the Public Meeting, ISAAC has sent thank you letters to Senator Gary Peters and Representative Fred Upton.  ISAAC sent a letter to Senator Debbie Stabenow urging her to make immigration reform a priority in the next Congress.

The Anti-Racism Task Force joined the ISAAC Leadership Board in sending a letter to our federal elected officials, voicing opposition to a proposed immigration rule change that would make it much harder for persons of modest means to immigrate to the US.  The proposed rule would exclude anyone who might ever need any type of public assistance, or become a “public charge.”

– Denise Hartsough, Anti-Racism Task Force member


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