Save the date! Put Saturday, May 18, 6:00 pm at the WMU Bernhard Center on your calendar for the ISAAC 2019 Banquet: “Hold Fast to Love and Justice” (Hosea 12:6) with keynote speaker Mee Moua—former Minnesota State Senator, Civil Rights leader, attorney, and TRHT Racial Healing Circles practitioner and law & policy expert!
Mee Moua is the Principal of Interdependent Group, LLC, which provides training, facilitation and coaching support for individuals and organizations in planning, leadership, and transformation. She is passionate about democracy building, heart leadership and making visible the interconnectedness among peoples. She is currently a governance coach to a cohort of newly elected local and State officials and a consultant to the W.K. Kellogg Foundation as a law and policy expert and a racial healing circle practitioner.
She is the immediate past President and Executive Director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice-AAJC, a leading national civil rights organization based in Washington, D.C. Prior to her work in Washington, DC, she was an attorney in private practice in St. Paul, Minnesota and a member of the Minnesota State Senate.
She was the first Hmong American to be elected to a state legislature in the United States, served three terms before retiring in 2010, and served as the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Mee was born in Laos and came to the United in 1978 as a refugee. She grew up in the mid-west, attended Brown University as an undergraduate student, received her MPA from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and earned her JD from the University of Minnesota Law School.
She is a recognized public speaker, leadership mentor and relationship weaver. She currently works and lives in Maryland with her husband and their three children.
– Banquet Committee: Dr. Charlae Davis, Wendy Flora, Tobi Hanna-Davies, Rick Johnson, Elder Doug King, Amy Peterson, Kerria Randolph