Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Early Childhood & Education Task Force News

Task Force meeting with KPS Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice
Task Force meeting with KPS Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice

Rochelle Habeck & LaShana Jones, co-chairs

Right now, our task force members are carrying out 2-on-1 meetings with people in our community who can inform us about needs in early childhood and education, especially related to literacy and mental health. So far, we have met with Senator O’Brien, Representative Hoadley, KPS Superintendent Dr. Rice and Kellye Wood, Communities in School Director Pam Kingery, and KRESA Director of Early childhood and Great Start Collaborative Kristi Carambula. Other meetings are scheduled for this month.

Here are some key events and actions you are invited to support:

The next Task Force meeting will Monday, January 25th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM at St. Luke’s (half hour later). Please come and join this important work.

With our partners, we are convening again at the County Department of Health & Community Services, Nazareth Campus, on Monday, January 25th from 4:00 to 5:30 PM to draft a local policy agenda for early childhood. This will guide our advocacy in Lansing. Please attend.

The Senate will be considering House Bill 4822, referred to as the Third Grade Reading Initiative. While we are in favor of all efforts that support literacy success of 3rd graders, we are asking Senator O’Brien to replace the provision for mandatory retention of 3rd graders who do not attain a minimum benchmark on the state reading assessment with more effective alternatives and to provide funding for effective interventions that support the attainment of literacy at every level leading to the assessment year.
We are a partner in Michigan Power to Thrive (MPTT), which will be holding a summit on February 25th from 10:00 to 3:00 in Lansing on the elimination of expulsion from childcare and preschool. If you are interested, contact the ISAAC office.