Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Early Childhood & Education Task Force Update

At the ISAAC Banquet, Pastor Strickland issued a Call to Action from our Early Childhood & Education Task Force to help build community awareness about childhood trauma and to learn how we can reduce the impact of toxic stress and build resilience in our children and our community.

Since then, more than 20 organizations and individuals have committed to host a DVD & Discussion session with us or attend other training! Here are pictures from the first one, held at Second Baptist Church with host Pastor Strickland and discussion leader Krista Goebel from the Children’s Trauma Assessment Center (CTAC). We are watching either Wounded Places or DNA is Not Destiny ( with a trained trauma professional on hand for discussion. This effort is coordinated with our partners as part of our Raising Kalamazoo County initiative.

IT IS NOT TOO LATE to sign up to host a session or to attend one already scheduled. To sign up your congregation or organization or to learn when others are scheduled, please contact either of our co-chairs, Regena Nelson at or Rochelle Habeck at

The next scheduled event is at People’s Church on Saturday, August 6th at 2:00 PM (see

Our Task Force will meet on Monday, August 22, 5:30 – 7:00 PM at St. Luke’s Church, 247 W. Lovell St, Kalamazoo 49007. Please join us!

– Rochelle Habeck & Regena Nelson, co-chairs


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