Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Executive Director’s Report

CharlaeDavisDr. Charlae Davis

Celebrating 15 Years of Vision Action & Change! Transform with us!

Fifteen years ago, a core group of clergy, lay people and community members were committed to the hard work of creating a diverse and powerful organization in the Kalamazoo area. A vision statement was adopted. Twenty leaders were sent to National Leadership Training and Congregations began investing money into an organization called Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy and Action in the Community (ISAAC). Today this vision of ISAAC is STILL relevant! As we celebrate our victories and partnerships, we understand that the work cannot stop! There is much to be done and ISAAC is excited to help lead initiatives within our community.

We invite you to contribute an end of the year tax-deductible donation. It’s easy to donate online, or by credit card, check or cash. Please donate now or call, 269-341-4213. Every donation will help support the vital work for ISAAC.

Thank you! Your donation helps to transform our community so that justice rolls like a river!

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