Beautiful new ISAAC bumper stickers are about to arrive! Contact the office to get yours, plus extras for gifts: or 269-341-4213. Or get your stickers at the ISAAC Family & Friends Breakfast, Wednesday, December 14, 7:30-9:00 am, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Dining Room, 247. W. Lovell St (at S. Park St.) Kalamazoo 49007. Don’t forget to RSVP if you’re coming. (It’s OK that the RSVP date has passed, but call or email right away.)
Your stickers will spread the word about our work, and help fund it at the same time! ($5 each)
Thanks to Rabbi Matt Zerwekh for the wording on the sticker, Amy Peterson for great design work, Tobi Hanna-Davies for organizing and Steve Barber for inspiring and initiating the whole idea.
– Dr. Charlae Davis, Executive Director