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“Housing for All” Millage on the Ballot November 3rd

Children in classroomOn average, 1342 school-aged children experienced homelessness in Kalamazoo County each school year from 2014–2017.

Such good news!  The County Commission voted overwhelmingly August 5, to put the “Housing for All” millage on the countywide ballot on November 3!   

See the Millage Plan here, thoughtfully crafted by our Kalamazoo County Public Housing Commission and an array of community leaders committed to solving our homelessness crisis. 

The need by the numbers:

* On average, 1342 school-aged children experienced Homelessness per school year from 2014–2015 through 2016–2017

* 506 households representing 702 persons were identified during the regular homeless “point-in-time” count mandated by the Federal Government in January, 2020 in Kalamazoo County, and

* A recent County study identified a large county-wide gap between the need for affordable housing units and the number of units to meet that need.

Who will this help?

Families with children and single adults through-out Kalamazoo County 

What will it do?

Provide temporary financial housing assistance and support services that lay the groundwork for ongoing housing stability as well as invest in the construction of quality affordable housing. 

Where will it work?

In partnership with every school, school district, City, Village and township in Kalamazoo County. 

When will it start?

In 2022 with the passage of a County-wide .75 housing millage on November 3, 2020 

How will it work?

Through contracts with County public entities, non-profit organizations selected through an RFP process and a variety of private and non-profit housing developers under the oversight of the Kalamazoo County Commission. 

Special thanks to these Millage Committee members for their powerful advocacy and leadership:

  • Stephanie Hoffman, Executive Director of Open Doors Kalamazoo, and ISAAC & TRHT Housing Task Force co-chair, 
  • Kelly Clarke, Executive Director of the Kalamazoo County Land Bank, and 
  • David Artley, Chair of the Kalamazoo County Public Housing Commission.

And huge thanks to our County Commissioners who gave their strong support August 5: 

  • Chair Tracy Hall
  • Vice Chair Michael Seals
  • Commissioner Stephanie Moore 
  • Commissioner Zac Bauer 
  • Commissioner Julie Rogers 
  • Commissioner Jennifer Aniano 
  • Commissioner Christine Morse 
  • Commissioner Mike Quinn 
  • Commissioner Meredith Place

Feeling deeply grateful for this community’s level of commitment to the members of our community who are struggling.

 – Tobi Hanna-Davies, ISAAC & TRHT Housing Task Force co-chair