Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Housing Matters Forum – Help end homelessness with your own home!

housing-mattersYou are invited to the next Housing Matters forum, where Ann Perry, Kay Perry and Tobi Hanna- Davies will describe their experience taking homeless individuals into their homes. Ann and her sister Kay have given a home six times to individuals re-entering the community from prison. Tobi, inspired by the Perrys, has had a housemate since June whom she found through Open Doors shelter for women.

When: Wednesday, December 14, Noon-1:30 PM (Light lunch & drinks provided, $4 suggested donation)

Where: Trinity Lutheran Church (downstairs); 504 S Westnedge, at Cedar St, Kalamazoo 49007

Ann Perry represents the League of Women Voters on the Housing Matters Planning Committee. She chaired the Messaging Committee of the “Vote YES for Kids” millage campaign committee and was a long-time member of the ISAAC Housing Task Force. She was a social worker at the Department of Social Services for 30 years.

Kay Perry, or 25 years, has been volunteer director of MI-CURE, a statewide grassroots criminal justice reform organization. She has had careers in business data processing and technical writing. Ann and Kay have hosted, in their home, six people who paroled to Kalamazoo when they left prison.

Tobi Hanna-Davies is on the Housing Matters Planning Committee, is active in ISAAC (Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community) and represented ISAAC on the successful “Vote YES for Kids” millage campaign committee. She co-chaired the City’s Affordable Housing Commission from 1992-2000 when she was on Ann Arbor City Council.

Housing Matters forums focus on affordable housing in Kalamazoo County, on the second Wednesday of each month. This forum is intended to provide education on existing affordable housing programs or housing issues and offer opportunities to discuss possibilities for creating additional housing throughout the County. These forums are open to all who are interested. Please forward this invitation to others who might wish to join us.


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