Our online Banquet ticket sales have ended. If you are interested in purchasing a ticket, please feel free to come to the WMU Bernhard Center Ballrooms (second floor) on May 18th at 5:30 pm, and we will let you know if any tickets are available.
Keynote Speaker
Mee Moua
Former Minnesota State Senator, Civil Rights leader, attorney, TRHT Racial Healing practitioner, and law & policy expert for the WK Kellogg Foundation.
[pl_button type=”inverse” size=”large” link=”https://isaackalamazoo.org/save-may-18-for-isaac-2019-banquet-hold-fast-to-love-and-justice/” target=”blank”]FULL BIO[/pl_button]
El Concilio’s Baile Folklorico (Youth performing Mexican Traditional Folkloric Dances) and the duo of Nick The Drummer and Jesselyn (Live Music and Poetry) will perform at the Banquet. They are part of the ISAAC family, and have wonderful talents to share with us.
Our 2019 Awardees…
have each made very important gifts to ISAAC’s work:
[su_list icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#9602ca”]
- Al Dixon
- Elizabeth Upjohn Mason
- Dr. Regena Nelson
- Innovation Grant Work Group
- Open Doors Kalamazoo
- St. Luke’s Episcopal Church