Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Message from our ISAAC Executive Director

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Dear ISAAC Family, we pray this email finds you and yours well in the midst of all that is going on locally and nationwide.

To all our Black, African American, African, Caribbean, Afro-Latino Brothers, Sisters and Family Members, we see you, we value you, we value your life, we love you and we thank God for you!

The recent tragedies are unfortunately nothing new. As our Vice Mayor Patrese Griffin stated, “The knee on the neck of George Floyd is a real life depiction of the knees that have been on the necks of BI POC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) for years in this country. George Floyd’s life was taken from him like the many lives taken from the suffocation of racism.” Violence against Black Bodies is not new, and no Black person is safe from this racism, no matter our age, gender, where we live, birthplace, background, titles etc.

May we say just some of the names, and not forget the Black Lives (even children) taken by Law Enforcement in our nation, since 2014: Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Laquan McDonald, John Crawford, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, Sandra Bland, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Terence Crutcher, Deborah Danner, Atatiana Jefferson, Antwon Rose, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.

Systemic racism is prevalent in all facets of our society, Law Enforcement just being one. Many of us Black Folks have not slept well but continue to do this work because it is personal, and it is “life or death.” But this feels different and we believe this movement will powerfully bring change.

In the clips attached to this article, we hear Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., being transparent, saying that he was tired. We know, even though he felt this exhaustion he continued on to the very end, empowered by God. We are all feeling a variety of emotions that are right and valid, tiredness, anger, sadness, fear, weariness, discouragement, pain, hopelessness, feeling overwhelmed, helplessness, lack of knowing where to start….

With this emotion let us remember, we are being called to act during this movement! We need you in this movement!

We invite those who are able, to please donate to the Black Lives Matter national organization.

Over the past couple weeks, we have been organizing together as Black Folks thinking about “the now” and “the what’s next” for policy and practice changes.

For those ready, we ask you to plug into ISAAC. Our next steps will be coming in multi-faceted waves as we move into this month, Summer and Fall.

Check your emails, Like our page on Facebook, share posts on your Facebook page, and look for updates from your Clergy/President/Leader. We ask you to join an ISAAC Task Force (Housing, Gun Violence or Anti-Racism). We are being intentional about doing our justice work through an anti-racism lens.

As we begin contacting Public Officials submit your voice and share the opportunity with family and friends. Engage in the local virtual Anti-Racism and Racial Healing work that will be presented. This is ongoing work that we all need to experience together. Tune in to our County and City Commission meetings.

We need committed folks in all areas. Ready yourself because though we may get tired, we lean into our faith and consciousness and we WILL NOT STOP until Black Lives Matter.

In unity and love,

Dr. Charlae M. Davis