Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community

Poverty Task Force News

Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is a protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.”   – Nelson Mandela

Over the past months the Poverty Task Force has been gathering information from articles, documentaries and one-one interviews with leaders in Kalamazoo to help us understand who is impacted by poverty and who benefits from impoverishing people.

  • Kym Hollar, Navigator Coordinator of Goodwill explained the structural barriers people in poverty face when they are trying to improve their lives.
  • Kevin Ford, Shared Prosperity Kalamazoo Coordinator advocated for organizing leadership in core neighborhoods to focus on prosperity instead of poverty.
  • Tim Ready, Director of WMU Lewis Walker Institute, explained how he uses data to make a case for policy change.
  • Luke Kujacznski, Urban Alliance, Momentum, shared that Department of Corrections does not provide pre-release data that will allow local agencies to provide support and resources to returning citizens.
  • Alicia Renee Farris, One Fair Wage Campaign encouraged us to support statewide efforts to raise the minimum wage.
  • Pamela Kingery, Director of Communities in Schools, described how CIS partners with local providers to deliver support services to schools in Kalamazoo to address the impact of poverty on children.

– Dr. Regena Nelson and Nicholas Baxter, Poverty Task Force co-chairs


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