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President’s Message

Oh what a night! I would like to thank the Kalamazoo Community for your support of the 2017 ISAAC banquet. It was an awesome night and the turnout was amazing. I want to include a portion of my opening statement that was read at the banquet:

“Tonight, I stand! Tonight, we stand in the power of unity and strength. We are determined that we will push love to the next level through our determination in fighting for equity for all. We are gathered here tonight, because I know, and you know, that it will take persistence in this work. Together we can move the obstacles of injustice that singularly we could not move. Therefore, know this, when you turn to your right we will be there, and when you turn to your left we will be there. No matter the direction you turn, those of us fighting for equality, justice, peace, power, hope, determination and love will be staring you directly in the face and demanding change.

My prayer is that we are each here tonight because we recognize the seriousness of the hour and know that by our coming together: Black, White, Latino, Asian, and Indigenous, religious, non-religious, the haves and have nots just to name a view.

We are the Beloved Community, and we are determined that everyone will “Be-Loved” through our work in the community.

The trumpet has blown, the horn has sounded, the light is green, and the starter pistol has been fired, so we have no excuse to still be standing idle. Let’s go to work!

But, leave no one at the starting line. We are all powerful and we are all necessary.”

Beloved Community Member,

Elder Douglas A. King