A community-wide Racial Healing Service sponsored by ISAAC is taking place on Wednesday, September 2 at at 6:30pm at Second Baptist Church, 609 N. Rose St. in downtown Kalamazoo. The night of inspirational words, music, prayer, and action is designed to help people of all faiths and ethnicities listen, reflect, acknowledge, heal, stand and act.
Speakers and prayer leaders include Pastor Strick Strickland, Pastor Matt Weiler, Rev. Dr. Randall Warren, Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Mundy, Rev. Nathan Dannison, Rev. Dr. Charles Warfield, Ms. Lori Santiago, Rev. Linda MacDonald, Rabbi Matthew Zerwehk, Elder Doug King, Elder Valarie Cunningham, and a video message from Elder J. Louis Felton. Musicians include Tabernacle Praise Team, Sunnyside Band, Truth Tone Records, Jim Croteau, Charlie’s Place, and Grace Covenant Ministries Praise Team.
“Being treated like a human being made in the image of God does not need to be earned,” said Rev. Dr. Randall Warren, Rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, in videos on Racial Healing made by ISAAC. “Racial justice means everyone having access. Everyone being able to speak how they’re being hurt. Those who are not experiencing harm being able to hear without becoming defensive, and being able to understand and empathize that things are not fair for everyone… and being willing to take the risks to do something about it,” said Fernando Ospina of ERAC/CE. “There is a sense of urgency that racial justice issues be addressed,” said educator Sneha Patel. “The time is now to help empower and advocate for all members of our community, especially the youngest and most vulnerable members of society.”
Admission is to the Racial Healing Service is free. ISAAC (Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community) is an interfaith organizing network of congregations and strategic partners working together to build a more just community. Videos and more information are here at isaackalamazoo.org or call 269-341-4213.
[googlemap width=”100%” height=”300″ address=”609 N Rose St, Kalamazoo, MI 49007″]
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