ISAAC Welcomes Two New Staff Members

ISAAC welcomes two new staff members, Johnnie Berry, Community Organizer for Youth Violence & Drug Prevention initiatives, and Vanessa Miller, Community Organizer for Education & Early Childhood initiatives. Both are from the Kalamazoo area and have strong experience locally, working for a more just community. Come meet them March 29 at the ISAAC Banquet!

ISAAC Organizing Skills Training Workshop

If you or someone you know would like to learn the skills to build a more just community, and become more engaged or more effective in ISAAC, don’t miss this chance! There are still a few openings for the ISAAC Organizing Skills Training Workshop on Saturday, November 9, so the due date for applications is […]

The ISAAC office has moved!

Our new address is: ISAAC c/o St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 247 West Lovell St. (between Rose St. and Park St.) Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Enter at the wide driveway on Lovell St. or from Park St. Park in the angled parking spaces at the back of the lot. (The numbered spaces in the front are rented […]

2012 Public Meeting

Public Meeting on 10/11/12 at Galilee Baptist Church The whole crowd of 500+ rose to their feet when Public Safety Chief Jeff Hadley answered, “Yes. Absolutely. 100%,” to the question of whether he was committed to implementing Ceasefire, David M. Kennedy’s dramatically successful approach to reducing youth violence. Click the links to see the media […]

2012 Public Meeting “God’s Abundance For All”

The whole crowd of 500+ rose to their feet when Public Safety Chief Jeff Hadley answered, “Yes. Absolutely. 100%,” to the question of whether he was committed to implementing Ceasefire, David M. Kennedy’s dramatically successful approach to reducing youth violence. Click the links to see the media coverage in the… Kalamazoo Gazette WWMT TV WKZO […]

2012 Issues Convention

2012 Task Forces Chosen: Education & Early Childhood, Youth Violence & Drug Prevention, Transportation, Affordable Housing