Fair Housing & Fair Chances

Can you join us Monday evening August 19 at the Kalamazoo City Commission meeting to support our Fair Chance and Fair Housing ordinance proposals?  Come well before 7:00 to get a seat, in your ISAAC T-shirt if possible.  We’d love your support for our Public Comment speakers and for City Commissioner Patrese Griffin, the primary […]

August Workshops on the Impact of Racism on Infant Mortality

This month Anti-Racism Task Force members engaged in racial healing one-on-ones. The conversations helped us know and understand one another more deeply. We expect this will enhance our effectiveness as a task force. We as ISAAC members understand that we must engage in self-transformation so that we can equitably transform institutions. This month ISAAC and […]

Welcome to Pastor Sean Kidd at Westwood UMC!

A very warm welcome to Pastor Sean Kidd, the new pastor at Westwood United Methodist Church, which is a founding member of ISAAC and has very actively supported our work together ever since 2002! Rev. Sean K. Kidd has been serving congregations in Michigan since 1993. He comes to Westwood United Methodist Church after serving […]

Prayer for Our Community & Nation

God of Life, Creator of the universe, Sustainer of all, we come before you bearing deep sorrows. We despair at the killing happening in our homes and in our streets, in our schools and in our workplaces, in our shopping centers and in our parking lots, and in our houses of worship. We come repenting […]

Exciting Endowment Fund “First”

“Socially Responsible Investment” is now possible at the Kalamazoo Community Foundation, and ISAAC is the first to request transfer our Endowment Fund to this investment option! This means that our money will now be invested in ways that are much more in line with our faith values of equity and community.   Hallelujah! Here’s an example.  […]

In the Words of Dr. Price, “To God be the Glory.”

With a sad, but also loving and glad heart we say farewell to Dr. Wayne Price! Kalamazoo has been blessed by The Reverend Dr. Wayne Price, Pastor of Westwood United Methodist Church. We thank God for Dr. Price’s servant leadership, justice work, prayers & for being a blessing to ISAAC. We know God will continue […]

Do you know what your tax dollars are being used for?

The Anti-Poverty Task Force is hosting a forum with Representative Jon Hoadley and Senator Sean McCann to have a community conversation about the state budget. Everyone is invited.  You can register at this link. The forum will be held on Monday, July 22 at 5 PM at the Borgess Lawrence Education Center at 1521 Gull […]

2019 ISAAC Banquet Poster

DVD of the ISAAC 2019 Banquet!

Hold Fast to Love and Justice! Did you miss the ISAAC Banquet or want to relive that wonderful evening? Place your order today! We will contact you when your DVD arrives. A special thank you to our awesome Videographer Michael Lawler.

Powerful Ways To End Local Housing Discrimination

Even if we built 3000 or 6000 affordable housing units, we’d still have a homelessness crisis, since so many people are denied housing because they have a voucher or a past eviction or a criminal record. And those denials are often a proxy for racism. Redlining is not just history–it continues today in many less […]

Progress on Anti-Racism “Asks”

The Anti-Racism Task Force in June celebrated progress on its two “asks”—one from the October 2018 Public Meeting, and one from the May 2019 banquet. From our federal elected officials, the Anti-Racism Task Force in October 2018 asked for commitment to prioritizing adoption of a humane process to gain permanent resident status and then citizenship for long-term […]

May We Seek The Restoration Of All Who Are Marginalized

God of the rich and poor, God of the high and lowly, God of all people, we pray today that you would stir in our hearts the desire to see your kingdom come in the relationships between us. May we responsibly address the disparities we see and seek the restoration of all who are marginalized.   […]

Fair Housing & Fair Chance Law Update

Dr. King’s Beloved Community work charges us to continue organizing and advocating until all individuals in Kalamazoo are held as Beloved. While organizing and impacting policy and practice changes, we at ISAAC must be intentional to ensure policies are equitable, anti-racist and hold no unintended consequences. In 2018, we were so happy to be introduced […]