County ID available!

The Kalamazoo County ID is finally here! Come get your County ID at the County Administration Building. Getting your County ID is an easy way to help create opportunity and equity! ISAAC was one of many partners who worked to make the County ID a reality. The more of us who get the County ID […]

ISAAC Gratitude for 2017 Progress

Six new congregations/organizations joined ISAAC in 2017! The Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation partnership continued with Kalamazoo’s First Annual Day of Racial Healing!  An ISAAC Endowment Fund was created! Over 500 people attended our 2017 banquet! Our first ever Run/Walk was planned! Two ISAAC clergy were chosen for the Foundation for Excellence Board!  Our Listening […]

Welcome To Our Six New ISAAC Members In 2017!

Church Women United, First Presbyterian Church, First United Methodist Church, Kalamazoo Friends Meeting, Lutheran Church of the Savior and Portage Chapel Hill United Methodist all joined ISAAC in 2017! That makes twenty-nine congregations and organizations that are now ISAAC Family Members!  ISAAC is working in partnership so that Kalamazoo becomes a place in which our […]

Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation

Following a trip in December 2016 to Carlsbad, California for Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) training, a handful of Kalamazoo agencies, organizations (including ISAAC) and the Kalamazoo Community Foundation returned to plan Kalamazoo’s First Annual National Day of Racial Healing in January 2017. TRHT is a community-based process to plan for and bring about […]

ISAAC Endowment Fund Has Begun

As of December 2017, we have an ISAAC Endowment Fund “under development”!  That means we’re well on our way to creating a fund that will generate income for ISAAC every year!  We have three and a half years to fully fund it (at $50,000) so it will begin to generate annual income. Thanks to five ISAAC leaders, it […]

2017 Banquet Success!

Over 500 people turned out for the ISAAC Banquet at the WMU Bernhard Center on May 6, to hear Dr. Rubén Martinez speak and to honor Lifetime Achievement awardee Rev. Robert Rasmussen (RIP) and awardees Northside Ministerial Alliance, Hispanic American Council, and Youth Violence Prevention leader Venessa Collins-Smith. “We are here to leave a better […]

First Ever Run/Walk/Roll Planned

In 2017 we planned our first-ever Walk/Run/Roll–Building the Beloved Community: Moving Towards Justice! in Spring Valley Park on June 30, 2018, instead of a banquet this year. The Beloved Community is an inclusive, democratic reality, which while not devoid of conflict, is free of violence. It is a place in which our deepest values of abundance, equity, […]

ISAAC represented on Foundation for Excellence

ISAAC Family member Rabbi Matt Zerwekh, Rabbi of Temple B’nai Israel and a member of the ISAAC Executive Committee, was recommended as the faith sector representative on the inaugural board of the Foundation of Excellence. ISAAC Family member Rev. Nathan  Dannison…

Anti-Poverty Work in 2017

Poverty was chosen as a top priority for the first time at the ISAAC Issues Convention on October 26, 2017.  Poverty has been a major focus of our task forces on Housing, Transit, Early Childhood & Education, and Youth Violence Prevention ever since the first ISAAC task forces were formed in 2003, but our new […]

Anti-Racism Work in 2017

Anti-Racism was chosen again at the ISAAC Issues Convention on October 26, 2017, after personal accounts about experiencing racism, historically and presently, were shared by: Cradle Kalamazoo Anti-Racism Task Force Co-Chair Al Dixon Kalamazoo Public Library Anti-Racism Team and Board Member Kerria Randolph PFC Anti-Racism Team members Jo Woods and J. Kyon Our task force is […]

Housing Work in 2017

Housing was chosen again at the ISAAC Issues Convention on October 26, 2017, after a hiatus of two years.  All these housing experts spoke asking for housing to be chosen: Open Doors KalamazooDeputy Director Stephanie Hoffman Housing Resources, Inc.Program Director Jennifer Welles City of Kalamazoo Community DevelopmentManager Dorla Bonner Kalamazoo County Public Housing CommissionChair David […]

Early Childhood & Education Work in 2017

Anti-Racism, Anti-Poverty and Affordable Housing were the top three vote-getters at the 2017 Issues Convention, edging out Early Childhood & Education for the first time in ten years! The Early Childhood & Education Task Force has a decade of impressive history, successfully advocating with community partners for increased dental services in elementary schools; for establishing […]