Endowment Gifts of $52,150 in 2021

    This is astounding! ISAAC donors gave over $50,000 to our Endowment Fund in 2021, again! A huge thank you to the Endowment Fund donors who put so much trust in our work together to build the Beloved Community. Your commitment and generosity have increased our fund value to more than $192,000!   Here’s […]

“ISAAC Virtual Banquet” Remembrance Video

Click below to view our ISAAC Video of Remembrance as we honor the lives of ISAAC Family Members and Social Justice Leaders, Ms. Eileen Scamehorn, Dr. C.G. Charles and Brother Travontae McFerrin-Brown.

“Grasping Change at the Root” Nov. 11 Virtual Banquet

“We are beyond grateful that ISAAC can bring Dr. Dyson to inspire Kalamazoo County,” says Elder Doug King, ISAAC President and pastor of Grace Covenant Ministries at WMU. ​​ “Dr. Dyson is in great demand right now because of his new book that’s just coming out.” Rev. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson will be keynote speaker […]

Support Restaurants owned by BIPOC and support ISAAC too!

A “Banquet” of food will be available in the weeks following Nov. 11, at local restaurants owned by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) who are donating part of their proceeds to support ISAAC. ISAAC wants to intentionally support our local BIPOC restaurants, and we invite you to support this effort. Watch for the dates […]

“Growing the Beloved CommUNITY” ISAAC Tees & Hoodies!

ISAAC long-sleeved T-shirts, hoodies, and other clothes that say “ISAAC: Grasping Change at the Root. Growing the Beloved CommUNITY” will be for sale soon on the ISAAC website. Check there for the colors, sizes and styles you’d like to order.   Huge thanks to Mr. Kerria Randolph, ISAAC VP for Financial Development, for his creativity and […]

“Growing the Beloved CommUNITY” Sponsors to Date

We are deeply grateful to all of our Virtual Banquet Sponsors to date. Is your congregation, organization or business on the list yet? If not, please become a Sponsor! To be a Sponsor just fill out this form: https://forms.gle/82trUbde4hJWX3J58 Thank you to all our “Growing the Beloved CommUNITY” Sponsors to date: Rooted Change Sponsor: Truth, […]