Voting Education 101 Event

Tue. Sept. 10, 5:30pm – Douglass Community Association This event is open to the public and everyone is invited!   Get information, register to vote, practice using the voting machines, and more! Please encourage first-time voters and those that don’t usually vote to attend! This is a NONPARTISAN event.

Vote August 6!

Your Vote Matters! Vote on Tuesday, August 6 or Vote Early! Please click the links below to hear from ISAAC Leadership Board & Family Team Members and Partners on the importance of voting.     Elder King   Rabbi Schicker   Irving Quintero   Kathy Hillman   Ashante’ Collins   Kaleb Beiter   Michael Monroe […]

Early Voting Info – August 6, 2024 Election

  Early Voting! Michigan voters can vote early and in person for the August 6th primary! Proposal 2, passed in 2022, guarantees 9 days of early, in-person voting for all state or federal elections.   Any Kalamazoo County registered voter (except residents of Pavilion Township) may vote early from Saturday, July 27th until Sunday, August 4th […]

What’s happening for ISAAC Healing Whiteness in 2024?

  Practicing connection, conflict and coordination: A series of three in-person workshops and monthly virtual practice sessions to support white people in embodied anti-racism practice. Each workshop will be focused on the themes of connection,conflict and coordination. In our time together will explore why connection, conflict and coordination are vital in our organizing work, how white supremacy culture disrupts our ability to […]

Your Vote Matters! !Tu Vota Importa!

In 2022 ISAAC, EL CONCILLIO, METROPOLITAN NAACP, LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, DOUGLASS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, PARENTS UNITED, HOPE THRU NAVIGATION, BLOCKS CLUB, TRHT KALAMAZOO, GVI and Partners came together to work collectively on Vote August 2 and Vote November 8!  This committee worked hard to bring awareness, and deepen engagement in non-partisan elections work.  ISAAC and […]

Endowment Fund Growth!

This is amazing! ISAAC donors gave over $14,000 to our Endowment Fund in 2022! A huge thank you to the Endowment Fund donors who put so much trust in our work together to build the Beloved Community. Your commitment and generosity have increased our fund value to more than $176,000 even after the stock market’s […]

Powerful 20th Anniversary Public Meeting!

October 25th was our 2022 Public Meeting and the 20th Anniversary of the ISAAC Covenant Celebration held by our founding congregations in the fall of 2002.  You can watch the entire video below or you can choose specific sections–each part is inspiring! Please note some respondents may have used on-screen emojis to commit to an […]

Gun Violence Prevention Presentation, Asks, and Officials’ Responses

Hello and thank you to all who are present. My name’s Irving Quintero, the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force intern. I would like to begin by stating that 58% of the population in the US has experienced gun violence directly or indirectly. So there’s a huge chance that you and/or your loved ones have been […]

Anti-Racism Presentation, Asks, and Officials’ Response

  Good evening my name Al Dixon and I am the Co-Chair of the ISAAC Anti-Racism Task Force. The Task Force was elected by community members years ago, to help stop racism and other social injustices that have impacted our community.  housing, gun violence, employment, health, and mass incarceration. We are currently working to address […]