What happened at the Issues Convention?

Over two hundred gathered on Tuesday night, October 29, and chose Anti-Racism and Gun Violence as ISAAC’s focus for the next two years, along with Affordable Housing and Group Violence Intervention. Everyone present was invited to “vote with their feet,” whether or not they were from one of the 31 ISAAC member congregations and organizations.  They heard facts on […]

Anti-Racism Presentation

Al Dixon Good evening.  My name is Al Dixon, I am a co-chair of the Anti-Racism Task Force. How many of you think racism is dead in our community? How many of you think that racism is alive and well in our county?  Yes, there may be some skeptics.  A young Hispanic woman was cussed […]

Gun Violence Prevention Presentation

Wendy Flora Last May I talked with Shequita Lewis at a block party.  Her eyes lit up with excitement as she told me about her new job with a football team.  Shequita was a mom, a community activist. She ran for County Commission and truly cared about making a difference in Kalamazoo.  About two months […]

Group Violence Intervention (GVI) Presentation

Kalamazoo’s Group Violence Intervention has many myths that we as a GVI Team would like to dispel tonight. Wendy Flora:  Myth #1 – GVI was brought to Kalamazoo by Law Enforcement Actually, GVI was brought to Kalamazoo as a part of ISAAC’s 2011 Holy Ground Campaign listening sessions in our neighborhoods where community members voiced […]

Housing Presentation

Stephanie Hoffman One year ago at the ISAAC Public Meeting, we presented the shocking facts that high-income households get four times more housing benefits than low-income households, due to the creation of the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program created by FDR. If you were African American, your family could not get a mortgage during the […]

Only $5770 needed to reach our $50,000 Endowment Goal!

Three new generous donors last month!  Hallelujah!  This means we only have $5770 to go, to reach our ISAAC Endowment Fund goal of $50,000 by December 31—a whole year early!  Then the ISAAC Endowment Fund will become a fully established fund at the Kalamazoo Community Foundation, and ISAAC will be able to receive interest income […]

Only $6470 needed to reach our $50,000 goal!

How’s this for inspired timing! Deb Lindstrom handed us a very generous check for the ISAAC Endowment Fund at the August Leadership Board meeting, right after we announced that with a little stretch, we could reach our $50,000 goal by the end of 2019!  That means we’ll become a fully established endowment fund at the […]

Anti-Racism – Come vote on Oct. 29

The ISAAC Anti-Racism Task Force (ARTF) is excited to present at the Issues Convention on the work we’ve done over the past two years. We’ve been integrally involved in partnership with other organizations to develop workshops around the work of Cradle Kalamazoo for our faith communities, to facilitate Racial Healing Circles in our member congregations, […]

Housing Equity & Human Rights – Powerful Data

In these listening sessions, those impacted the most shared their housing journey, current housing concerns, obstacles, and possible solutions. In one particular session there was a large group of community members, with no current housing, lined up outside of the door trying to get into the session in hopes of having their voices heard for change.

Summit on Trauma & Domestic Violence – Awesome Speakers

Eye-opening. Attitude-changing. Important to every social justice issue we work on. The Summit on Trauma and Domestic Violence on October 2 was awesome!  Here are highlights from just a few of the powerful presentations: From Dr. Jim Henry, Project Director, Children’s Trauma Assessment Center, WMU: “The world feels safe if you haven’t been hurt.  Trauma […]