Keynote Mee Moua: “I love you and there’s nothing you can do about it!”

An amazing evening was attended by 525 people on May 18, with “Hold Fast to Love and Justice” as the theme of the annual gathering supporting ISAAC’s work and celebrating the Beloved Community.  Keynote speaker Mee Moua, racial healing circle practitioner and WK Kellogg Foundation consultant, inspired us with her story as a refugee from […]

Our 2019 Awardees

We had amazing partners, members and leaders to honor this year, as always! 2019 Awards: 2019 Award Recipients: Click on any photo to enlarge it.

Silent Auction Success!

Thank you to EVERYONE who donated items or purchased items at the Silent Auction at our Annual Banquet.  What a pleasure it was to receive your wonderful donations of stepping stones, homemade cakes and hats, fishing trips, afghans, handmade jewelry, etc.  The silent auction offered more than 40 items and raised $1700+ for the ISAAC Beloved Community […]

Banquet Photo Gallery

ISAAC leaders Amy Peterson and Rick Johnson took fabulous photos, as always!  Click on any photo to enlarge it.

Endowment News

“As a member of People’s Church, I have been a part of ISAAC since it organized in Kalamazoo in 2002. Being on the Housing Task Force until last year has been important to me as we have effectively improved access to affordable housing by working closely with other local agencies. The Vote Yes for Kids […]

Banquet Closing Prayer – “Go Out”

Rev. Rachel Lonberg concluded the Banquet program with this closing prayer, from the anthem “Go Out,” sung recently by People’s Church choir: “Go out into the highways and by-ways and give the people something of your new vision. You may possess only a small light, but uncover it and let it shine. Use it to […]

ISAAC’s Radio Spot

ISAAC presents “Hold Fast to Love and Justice”, this year’s Banquet celebration and you are invited to participate!  You know ISAAC—Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy and Action in the Community—and they want you to sign up today.  It’ll be held on Saturday, May 18th at the WMU Bernhard Center.  Keynote speaker is Mee Moua, a former Minnesota state […]

2019 ISAAC Banquet Poster

Get your Tickets by May 6 for “Hold Fast to Love and Justice”

This Banquet is not-to-be-missed!  Dr. Charlae Davis, Executive Director, knows the keynote speaker personally from Racial Healing Circle work, and Dr. Charlae is beaming with happiness that Mee Moua said yes to speaking at our Banquet! Don’t miss the May 6 deadline: You save $10/person if you get your Banquet tickets by Monday, May 6! […]

Awesome Silent Auction items at Banquet

A homemade red velvet cake!  A five-pound box of organic blueberries! Olive Garden gift cards!  Confections with Convictions gift cards! PFC Natural Grocery & Deli Gift Cards! A custom flower arrangement!  Handmade jewelry! Hand knit items! Voice Lessons! Fishing trip gift certificates! A meditation retreat gift certificate!  An autographed copy of “Gus” written by Al […]

Child Care at the Banquet—RSVP!

Child care is available at this year’s Banquet, right in the Bernhard Center, just down the hall from the Banquet—if it’s arranged in advance.  Certified child care givers will be taking care of children of all ages, but child care must be arranged in advance, so we have enough child care givers for the number […]

Welcome to the Newest ISAAC Member Organization!

Welcome to Coalition for Common Ground: Reducing Gun Violence Together  & Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, the newest member of ISAAC! They work very closely together, so they have joined ISAAC as a partnership.  ISAAC has co-sponsored and helped lead their annual Service of Remembrance & Action honoring Kalamazoo victims of gun […]


The community began streaming through the doors at Galilee Baptist Church beginning at 3:30pm on Sunday February 17– carrying memories, stories and photos of loved ones taken by gun violence. The 6th Annual Service of Remembrance and Action was the second gathering that weekend. Students for Gun Legislation hosted a memorial event Saturday, February 16 […]